102 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
103 This is not a valid measurement.
104 %d%% complete Formatting ... please wait.
105 %d%% complete
106 Cannot save this file in its current format. Do you want to save this file in a different format?
107 Cl&ose
108 Cannot load the RichEdit control DLL. The file RICHED32.DLL might be missing or corrupted.
109 Times New Roman
110 &Word 6.0 Document\n&Rich Text Document\n&Text Document\nCancel
111 Courier New
112 You are about to save the document in text-only format, which will remove all formatting. Save %1 as
113 Saving file...
114 Formatted Text (RTF)\ntext with formatting
115 Formatting...
116 Left
117 Centre
118 Right
119 The measurement must be between %1 and %2.
120 This is not a valid number.
121 The number must be between 1 and 1638.
122 Inches
123 Centimeters
124 Points
125 Picas
126 This document was created with Word 6.0. SpeakPad does not support all Word 6.0 features. Therefore, you may lose information by saving this file as a Word file with the same name.
204 The session file you are attempting to open is from another user or a different language model. Do you wish to continue?
205 Would you like to record an audio description for this session?
206 There is insufficient memory to perform your requested task.
212 The session could not be saved. You may not have sufficient disk space or the media may be read-only.
213 Due to insufficient system resources, the session could not be saved. The text portion has been saved. SpeakPad will have to be closed.
215 Do you want to close Quick Dictation without sending the text?
216 Quick Dictation
217 Start speaking...
218 Say 'Stop dictation' when you finish dictating.
219 Double-click mouse button 1 to select words for correction.
220 dictate1.doc
221 dictate2.doc
222 dictate3.doc
223 Do you want to send the text and close Quick Dictation?
228 Quick Dictation -
229 Program Manager
230 Do you wish to delete the old SpeakPad dictation session file?
231 The audio portion of the document that is used for correction will not be saved. Do you wish to continue?
250 Dictating... say 'Stop dictation' when done
251 Spelling... say 'Return' when done
252 Using numbers... say 'Return' when done
253 Filling in list field... choose a word from the list or say 'Next field'
254 Cannot expand template '%s' inside another template field
255 Transfer cancelled: Cannot transfer text to specified window
256 An attempt has been made to connect to a user that is already in session on another machine. Do you want to override the session lock?
257 Are you sure you want to override the session lock?
260 SpeakPad
261 Quick Dictation
262 Macro error: the execution of a DLL function timed out
263 Macro error: unable to load a DLL
264 Macro error: unable to load a DLL function
265 Macro error: an error occurred in a DLL function
266 Cannot correct this selection, please edit it instead. (Moved or not dictated.)
267 There is no previous template field
270 8
271 There is no next template field
272 Too many dictated words have been selected for playback - maximum is %d.
273 Cannot playback text that was not dictated.
274 Cannot playback - some of the selected text was not dictated.
275 To transfer, drag transfer button to target window
276 Error: Text is out of alignment!
277 If wrong word selected, say 'Next one' to go to next same word
281 <Untitled Window>
282 <Nothing Selected>
284 Select text to correct.
286 &Transcribe From...
287 &Transcribe Help...
288 &Transcribe From
289 Transcription unavailable because an enrolment does not exist for the selected device. Create a new enrolment using the IBM ViaVoice Enrolment program.
290 Stop Transcriptio&n
32771 Changes page layout settings\nPage Setup
32776 Sets view options\nOptions
32780 Formats current or selected paragraph(s)
32781 Sets Tabs
32782 Black
32783 Maroon
32784 Green
32785 Olive
32786 Navy
32787 Purple
32788 Teal
32789 Gray
32790 Silver
32791 Red
32792 Lime
32793 Yellow
32794 Blue
32795 Fuchsia
32796 Aqua
32797 White
32798 Automatic
32799 Makes the selection bold (toggle).\nBold
32800 Makes the selection italic (toggle)\nItalic
32801 Formats the selection with a colour\nColour
32802 Formats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle)\nUnderline
32803 Left-justifies paragraph\nAlign Left
32804 Centre-justifies paragraph\nCentre
32805 Right-justifies paragraph\nAlign Right
32807 Inserts a full-stop\nFull-stop
32808 Inserts a space\nSpace
32809 Deletes the previous character\nBackspace
32810 Inserts a new line\nNew Line
32812 Pen\nPen
32813 Edit text\nEdit Text
32814 Inserts a tab\nTab
32818 Plays back the selected dictated words
32819 Stops playing the selected dictated words
32829 Displays program information, version number, and copyright
32830 Sets Dictation Options
32831 Sets Transfer Options
32835 Brings up the Dictation Options pop-up box
32836 Brings up the Transfer Options pop-up box\nTransfer
32839 Sets options for correction
32840 Sets options for dictation and transfer
32842 Saves the current dictation session
32846 Shows or hides template field markers
32847 Inserts today's date and/or time\nDate/Time
32848 Starts dictation mode\nBegin Dictation
32849 Stops dictation mode\nStop Dictation
32850 Corrects, formats, or deletes the selected dictated words\nShow Correction Window
32854 Opens a saved dictation session
32856 Creates or edits dictation macros
32857 Plays the audio description for the current dictation session
32859 Inserts a bullet on this line\nBullets
32861 Transfers the selection to another window\nTransfer
32862 Displays introduction to SpeakPad
32863 Displays SpeakPad introduction
32864 Displays information on upgrading to VoiceType Dictation 3.0
32872 Returns to Normal Editing Mode\nRegular Editing Mode
32873 SpeakPad could not find the interface to the speech recogniser. Please close the program and try again. If the problem persists, please contact IBM technical support.
32874 Hides the Correction window
32876 Displays Help for IBM ViaVoice recognition problems
57344 SpeakPad
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object you want to get Help on.
57347 %1 in %2
57349 %1 - %2
57600 Creates a new document\nNew
57601 Opens an existing document\nOpen
57602 Closes the active document\nClose
57603 Saves the active document\nSave
57604 Saves the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Changes the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Changes the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Prints the active document\nPrint
57608 Prints the active document\nPrint
57609 Displays full pages\nPrint Preview
57610 Updates the container to show any changes\nUpdate
57611 Saves a copy of the active document with a new name\nSave Copy
57612 Sends the document through electronic mail\nSend
57616 Opens this document
57617 Opens this document
57618 Opens this document
57619 Opens this document
57632 Erases the selection\nErase
57633 Erases everything\nErase All
57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Finds the specified text\nFind
57637 Inserts Clipboard contents\nPaste
57638 Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source\nPaste Link
57639 Inserts Clipboard contents with options\nPaste Special
57640 Repeats the last find\nFind Next
57641 Replaces specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Selects the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undoes the last action\nUndo
57644 Carries out the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Splits the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Displays program information, version number, and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quits the application; prompts you to save documents\nExit
57666 Lists Help topics\nHelp
57668 Displays instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Displays Help for the button, menu, or window you click\nHelp
57670 Displays Help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switches to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switches back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
57696 Selects font for current selection\nFont
57856 Inserts new embedded object\nInsert Object
57857 Edits linked objects\nEdit Links
57858 Converts object to different type\nConvert Object